Current State Energy Code: 2021 WSEC
Model Code: 2021 IECC
Previous State Energy Code: 2018 WSEC
Previous Model Code: 2018 IECC
The 2021 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) is based on the 2021 IECC. This edition of the WSEC goes into effect on 03/15/2024. The previous version of Washington’s energy code was based on the 2018 IECC.
Washington's energy code is a custom written state energy code specifically for projects in Washington. It is based on the 2021 IECC but differs slightly in structure and compliance options.
Washington's Incentives and Rebates:
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency® - DSIRE (dsireusa.org)
Want to learn more about your States' local energy code?
- Key amendments from the model code.
- Key changes between previous State versions.
These trainings are intended to educate Raters, Code Officials, and other building professionals on the latest code requirements, gain an understanding of the energy codes across the U.S. and their amendments compared to the IECC model code adopted in the applicable state. The course is offered as on-demand video modules.