BER offers professional support services to assist our clients in running the professional services of their businesses. These services include residential energy modeling, residential HVAC design, commercial energy modeling and commercial HVAC design. BER uses a variety of software options to meet our clients’ unique needs, primarily REM/Rate, Ekotrope, Wrightsoft and eQuest. Additional options are available if needed.

Residential Energy Modeling
Energy modeling is necessary to verify a home’s energy efficiency rating and help identify potential areas for improvements. However, performing them properly takes time away from other tasks such as field work. Projected energy models can be created from plans by BER before home construction begins to assist you and the builder to identify potential areas of improvement. Energy models are available in REM/Rate or Ekotrope and can be used to verify energy ratings and gain certifications for many programs such as:
- Code Compliance
- DOE Zero Energy Ready Home
- Indoor Air Plus
- MassSave
- LEED for Homes
- Passive House
- And many more!

Residential HVAC Design
BER offers a cost-effective service for HVAC designs using ACCA Manual J, Manual S and Manual D. HVAC designs can be created from plans before home construction begins to assist you and the builder identify potential areas of improvement. HVAC Designs are necessary to qualify for many areas for permits, many certification types and some rebate programs. Allowing us to handle this task for you will save you precious time and hassle.

Commercial energy modeling
BER offers commercial and large multifamily whole-building energy modeling using eQuest for projects pursuing ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G Performance approaches. For modeling in other platforms, such as EnergyPlus, Trane Trace 700, etc., or other performance modeling criteria, contact BER to discuss the project. Commercial energy modeling services shall be priced per project based on the size, scope and complexity of the project.

Commercial HVAC Design
BER offers ACCA Manual N and Q commercial load calculation and duct design services using Wrightsoft software. Commercial HVAC design services shall be priced per project based on the size, scope and complexity of the project.
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