Building Efficiency Resources (aka BER) is a RESNET Accredited HERS Rating Provider.
We are proud to offer Rating Provider services to RESNET Certified professionals throughout the United States.
BER was formed on the simple idea to offer first-class customer service, technical support, resources and training to businesses like yours. We exist to help make HERS rating companies and RESNET Certified professionals successful. Nothing more, nothing less.
We understand that choosing a HERS Rating Provider is an important decision for your business. When making this decision, you need to ask yourself...
What can your HERS Rating Provider do for you?

helping your business grow
BER is the industry leader in providing innovative products and services tailored to your business needs:
Competitive pricing, providing potential $1000s/year savings over other Providers, with additional discounts for high volume raters.
Industry leading customer and technical support from a team of experienced, full-time professionals.
Guaranteed customer service with fast rating turnaround times. Standard turnaround time is 1 business day. If your rating does not receive a review within 2 business days, that rating is free.
Always local, providing services nationwide with no travel costs to our clients.
The BER Rater Portal — our online database for our customers — is the the exclusive rater management tool to integrate Ekotrope software.
Ever-expanding suite of innovative business development, professional support, and professional development offerings to help grow your business.
Representation for the interests of our clients to RESNET, the EPA ENERGY STAR program, LEED for Homes, PHIUS (Passive House), and other industry organizations.