Rating Field Inspector Training
RESNET Rating Field Inspector Training
Certified Rating Field Inspectors (RFIs) are qualified professionals who perform field inspections on behalf of a Certified RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater. RFIs work under the supervision of a HERS Rater to gather field data and perform testing services that are necessary for a Rater to complete a HERS Rating.
For professionals looking to become an RFI, Building Efficiency Resources (BER) is proud to offer a training program that exceeds the RESNET certification requirements.

BER is dedicated to training and certifying RFIs who will be prepared, confident, and ready to work in the field upon completing their certification. Our flexible and supportive staff and on-demand program allows an RFI candidate to complete the training process at their own pace, around their own schedule. BER provides key training materials and student support throughout this process.
BER currently offers this comprehensive RFI training and certification program for the low cost of only $1,099
Becoming an RFI:
Click to flip each card and learn more!
Training & Exam
Online, On-Demand Training
Flexible Training
- Complete online, pre-recorded training via proprietary BER Student Portal web-based software.
- Complete the quizzes throughout each module.
- Complete RESCAZ Exam Training & pass RESCAZ Simulation Exam with a score of 85% of better.
Field Training
Mentored Inspections and Graded Field Evaluation
Hands-On Training
- RFI candidate completes three (3) Mentored Inspections with their chosen Mentor.
- Mentored inspections are approved by BER Trainer.
- RFI Candidate schedules and successfully completes the Graded Field Evaluation (GFE) with BER Trainer.
RESNET Certified RFI and Continuing Education
You're Certified!
- RFI Candidate Certificate is issued.
- If RFI Candidate is joining BER’s QA Providership, BER applies for RFIIN and issues Rating Field Inspector Certificate.*
- Every 3 years, RFI’s must complete one GFE with a Quality Assurance Designee (QAD) to maintain certification.

BER's RFI Training & Certification Program includes:
- 6 on-demand training modules with over 10 hours of training content
- 16 video lessons
- Complete supplemental training materials
- Training progress tracker
- 6-month license to online content
- RESCAZ Simulation training license
- Registration for RESCAZ Simulation exam
- Passing grade of 85% or better required
- Virtual exam proctoring by BER Staff
- BER provides forms, document storage, and requirement information including specific requirements for choosing a mentor, conducting mentored inspections, and photos.
- Chosen Mentor is responsible for field training and form and photo review using the RESNET RFI Field Evaluation Form and RESNET RFI Field Evaluation Photo Documentation Form.
- Evaluation Form and Photo Form verification by BER Trainer and 3 years of document storage
- Conducted remotely via live video app OR during annual QA visit with RFI's mentor
- Pricing is all inclusive - no added travel costs for in-person GFE
- RFI Candidate Certificate for all students who pass the full training & certification program
- RESNET RFIIN Application and associated RESNET RFIIN Application fee (for BER Members Only*)
- RESNET Rating Field Inspector Certificate (BER Members Only*)
- BER Membership (one year from date of training & certification purchase)
*Upon successful completion of the program, RFIs are awarded a BER RFI Candidate Certificate. If the RFI and supervising Rater choose BER as their QA Provider, BER will apply for the official certification number (RFIIN) and furnish a RESNET RFI Certificate, valid for 3 years.
Special Offers:
Visit our registration page to view all RFI Training bundle options. Please contact us if you have specific training needs not listed on our registration page to discuss how BER can best serve you and your professional goals.